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WANTED: Any Musical Instruments
Message Board > Gear Buy & Sell > WANTED: Any Musical Instruments
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Hon C
User Info...
Hi everyone, my band and I are shooting a musical video on a very veryyy low budget and we desperately need your good help in getting as many free used instruments as possible. Anything used beat-up, basically anything collecting cobwebs or better if you happen to be cleaning out your basements or closets. We will pick up and give you a credit on the film shoot for your endorsements/gifts/donations. The world is an amazing place filled with colour and sound. Help us illuminate our journey of music.

P.S. Please support all your fellow and global musicians. Without creativity and originality we are just numbers being crunched in a database. And we don't that do we? No we don't! If anyone needs our support please feel free to drop us a line, we’re here to help you too. Thank you for taking the time to read this:-)

"It's not just what you do in life; it's what we can become."

Hon C - Fri, 4 Nov 2005 7:57am
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damn why didn't I think of that... - Fri, 4 Nov 2005 12:31pm
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Best idea ever. Ask hacks to up their gear, then start a band with it. Best idea ever. - Fri, 4 Nov 2005 2:31pm
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Haha! ya, we actually *do* own our own instruments...I think Hon was thinking more in terms of props for the video/photoshoot? Hon? - Fri, 4 Nov 2005 4:37pm
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Why not just ask to borrow for a day or 2? Then give it back. Yous may have way better luck that way. Hell, I'd help if that was the case. - Fri, 4 Nov 2005 4:45pm
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i have a really old bell and howell speaker if you want. It's in an awesome old box that's green. - Fri, 4 Nov 2005 6:02pm
Hon C
User Info...
Thanks to all who have written or given any kind feedback, heheh yes we do own our instruments/equipment as Polly pointed out: (drums, cello, ukulele, maracas, violin, classical guitars, Electric guitars, keyboards, flute, amps, mics, music stand, Mic stands, multiple computers, multiple stereos, digital camera and camcorder) mostly were pretty set but any artist/poet/writer/musician can always use more right?

Our band feels that Victoria is one of the best cities to live in where artists, poets, writers and musicians can come together and support and help one another. Leave the dissecting and mutilation/isolation/negativity to the suits. All/we musicians come from the same soul that can be found in music, we are brothers and sisters and united we play, united we stand tall.

We just wanted to see was if anybody was out there who loved and wanted to support the arts/musicianship as much as we do and to kindly ask for your generous/gifted help with our video shoot by donating any of their instruments for good, yes for good if they happen to run across any in the attic or closets, (hey ya never know unless ya ask,.right?

K nuff said now back to brainstorming/jamming/soul gathering.

Peace, love, music and unity:-) Hon C - Sat, 5 Nov 2005 1:08pm
Hon C
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H Will, thank you for writing and for the offer. I'll contact you by email and give you my number:-)

Hon C - Sat, 5 Nov 2005 1:38pm
Hon C
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To Ross Bay,

hey dude thanks for the tips about borrowing for 2 days or so,..and thank you for the offer but right now we have to pass and it would get so complicated keeping track of all the intruments we have and will get, heheh and we all know what we're lke with our precious livelyhood gems.

I checked your websites out and man this song (2. Broken Bonz (pt.2) friggen rocked!!! Good for soundtrack like Spawn the movie or something like that: You might want to send them your cd/samples. They would go killer with their Horror Toy section,..and the owner is canadian,..Todd McFarlane.

Here's the URL: - Sat, 5 Nov 2005 1:41pm
Rory Seydel
User Info...
Anyone else notice that this guy sells things on ebay for a living? Thats right, give him your stuff..

"it would get so complicated keeping track of all the intruments we have and will get"

Hard to keep track of all those free things... I hate to be bitter but, come on.. - Sun, 6 Nov 2005 1:22pm
Hon C
User Info...
To Rory: Thank you for writing,..and yes i do sell on ebay to make a living but its only part-time and casual, in my day job i work in New Media/web stuff but i do not and won't sell any instruments on ebay,..I sell only collectibles from the 70's like comics and toys to support our music trade,..I believe in being honest and upfront with everyone especially with something i love and am passionate about, So before you jump to conclusions,..please write me exclusively to find out what i am all about. And life is too short and shouldn't be wasted on being bitter, be positive:-) - Sun, 6 Nov 2005 2:41pm
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Rory, you're not being bitter, just concerned. Personally, all my equipment has a monetary value attached it. I can vouch for Psaje tho, she's good people and she can really tear it up on the violin. Let me know if you guys need help with sound, transportation, etc...Peace. ~ Jack - Sun, 6 Nov 2005 9:46pm
Hon C
User Info...
Hi Jack,.and thank you for the kind words in regards to Psage and to your offer with help. She is a great violinist and her voice is amazing too! The Dreamwave audio project is mainly studio/demo work for now, but short-term help with sound or instruments would be cool,..mostly we're looking for a saxophonist to record or an opera trained singer, or help with some basic sounds, currently i uses pro tools but would you have anything like special hardware/enhancers to alter Polly's voice or the bass guitar I have. I can do it in the computer software but i'd like to do it in real time. About Long-term Dreamwave video work,.I'm slowly fleshing out some ideas and slowlyyyyyy storyboarding for the video shoot depending on quantity of equipment received and time constraints. But that's a later priority.

About: "Rory, you're not being bitter, just concerned." You're probably right about Rory, he was concerned, i was just hurt and defending our band/projects/individual's reputation and integrity. I appreciate your loyalty in his defense:-)

Anyhow thanks Jack, and peace to you too. I look forward to hearing from you again.

Hon C - Mon, 7 Nov 2005 9:25am
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thanx jack...and I can vouch for Hon, he's good people too :o) and SO dedicated to our cause!... Dreamwave... ya it will be awesome. for sure any cool stuff we can use would be very appreciated
peace - Mon, 7 Nov 2005 11:21pm
Hon C
User Info...
Thank you Psaje for yaz awesome support:-) Our Dreamwave Project will rock and soothe the heart and soul. It's an honor being ya bud and being a fellow bandmatey,..Dreamwave!!! Ohh Yeahhh!

Peace, Sunshine and Music:-)

Hon C - Wed, 9 Nov 2005 8:53am
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hey, got any organs over there in your collection for sale? or give away? - Fri, 11 Nov 2005 5:32pm
Hon C
User Info...
Hi Nick,.sadly we don't have any organs for sale,.have you tried, they have tons and cheap too:-) Good luck and happy hunting and thanks for writing:-)

Hon C - Sat, 12 Nov 2005 10:08am
User Info...
thanks for the website, still haven't found an organ... but man there's a lot of free kittens out there. I wish kittens had keys. - Mon, 14 Nov 2005 8:25am
Hon C
User Info...
hhheheh good one Nick! At least we don;t have to worry about these kinds of organs mutiplying :-)

Hon C - Mon, 14 Nov 2005 2:09pm
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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is this guy for real..... fucked up! or what?
nice bio dude, who blows sunshine up your ass? - Tue, 15 Nov 2005 11:01am
Hon C
User Info...
To Detroit Velvet Smooth: thanks for the compliment on my bio,.and yeah we the real deal,..I got my mind on my money and my money on me. About blowing sunshine up my posterior hmm i best leave that to de pros, dis playa don't dance for no blow. Yo yo yo Snoop ya own loop:-) - Tue, 15 Nov 2005 3:06pm
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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? - Wed, 16 Nov 2005 9:57am
Hon C
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Cheers to positive power:-) Please support all your fellow and global musicians. Without creativity, support and originality we are just numbers being crunched in a database. And who wants to be a number or a ?

"It's not just what we do in life; it's what we can all become." - Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:33am
Detroit Velvet Smooth
User Info...
more with the blowin of the sunshine up the ass.
btw: if i ever see that baby drumming picture again i'm going to beat the person who has it hanging on their wall...with the picture.

you know the kid is sitting on a baby potty and taking a stinky shit while the photo is taken. - Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:27am
Hon C
User Info...
hmm Detroit you sure see fixated with blowin sunshine up the posterior,..anyhowwww,..

about the picture: just remember it's jut a picture,'s just a picture. yor probably right about him taking a break from the good qualities of life and hey we all need to relax and let a good one out!-)

Do you play a musical instrument, you don't seem to exist in the bank of musicians? and what's with the Snoop pic,..time for a change my friend

Okay its back to reality and back to working on the project,..

Thanks for your input:-) - Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:40am
Hon C
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nothing like a double shot of the nasty,.fer real yo - Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:48am
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werd - Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:58am
Mr. Hell
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Ahh, yes!
Kill 'em with kindness.
Good luck with your endeavour! I hope you're planning on smashing all that stuff to pieces. Now that would be entertainment! - Thu, 17 Nov 2005 4:03pm
Hon C
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Werd - Thu, 17 Nov 2005 6:05pm
Scott Henderson
shhenderson *at*
(250) 642-3403
Messages Posted:

Producer/Engineer/Musician/Composer/Sound dude/Record nut/dad. 28 years and counting in the recording world; tours and recordings with the Show Business Giants (Smoeff & Virgin), Shovlhed (Konkurrent), Swellprod. (Konkurrent), Hissanol (Alternative Tentacles), Vinaigrettes, David P. Smith, Skinless Franks, Metronome Cowboys, the Strength of 10 Vampires, Monster Tweedy, People's War, Shaheed, High Arctic and Klugman.

Sorry Hon C but your excuse doesn't wash; you want people to give you musical instruments but you can't give them back because it's too hard to keep track of everything, yet you buy and sell on e-bay which, as we all know, requires reasonable record keeping and attention to detail. What exactly do you plan to do with this stuff, smash it up? And what do you plan to do with it once your video project is done. A simple answer will suffice, spare us all the new age bullshit please. But I for one suspect a hidden agenda. - Sun, 20 Nov 2005 12:17pm
Detroit Velvet Smooth
User Info...
do i play?
guitar, bass, drums, piano, vocals, turntables, recording engineer. i don't need to list my self in the musician list. i gave up playing rockstar along time ago, now i just make money....and play for my own enjoyment.

oh ya.. i come here to piss people off. especially those with stupid threads. - Mon, 21 Nov 2005 12:55pm
Hon C
User Info...
To Zippgunn, be very careful with your tones, i said we we're planning on shooting video with the support of other local artists,.whether they wanted to leave their instruments here or not it would be hard to keep track of everything,..have you ever done a video shoot? There are so many details and lots of planning go into it,.and WE DO NOT SELL INSTRUMENTS OR PLAN TO SELL ANY INSTRUMENTS! We only wanted to borrow them for the shoot, that's it!

My ebay business has been non active for many years now and eventually I'll start it again but right now I am working on a movie production doing sound at Shawnigan lake at the Camp with Sharon Lawrence - NYPD and Tim Mathison, who's the Director who appeared in Animal House, yes the classic starring Jim Belushi, anyhow have a look at my ebay website, and you'll see that i haven't sold any instruments or for that matter anything in over a year or so,..cause why the hell would i do that when i want to make music professionally, and you need instruments to do that, so before you judge someone on the net or locally do your research!

my ebay page:

About the video project: we're going to do it with or without anybodys help. i heard that Victoria wasn't a bitter place of whining failed musicians,...hmmmm, anyhow i don't want to spend anymore time justifying or defending what this band plans to do,.it's time to do want is most important and make records and make some honest music,..

To detroit, about: oh ya.. i come here to piss people off. especially those with stupid threads,..i mean cmon whats stupider the threads or the messenger!!!! - Tue, 22 Nov 2005 7:00pm
Detroit Velvet Smooth
User Info...
yes my post post are stupid, but your responding to them. - Wed, 23 Nov 2005 10:49am
Hon C
User Info...
To Detroit,..look i am not here to fight or squabble, there are enough suits and things that happens in life to put us all in therapy for sometime but,..I,..we are here because we both love and enjoy music, whether talking about it or playing it or shooting a just a video...we have a common thread,..we both are musicians and we should be doing what we enjoy the most,..making music with ourselves or with others and all the while picking up some cool fans along the way. So here is some positive thought to being a musician/artist:-) Also I won't be spending much more time on this thread, band and i have lots goin on and we need to get back to marketing and composing.

Hon C

Hon C - Wed, 23 Nov 2005 1:42pm
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