Five Alarm Funk: TD Sunfest 2015

Select - Show More for a set list and times.

Set List
0:11 March of the Latin Zombies
10:35 Wash Yo Face
14:18 Broadway
20:20 Hot Damn!
26:23 We All Scream
30:30 Higgs Boson
34:39 Demons Be Gone
40:54 (Let It Rain) Sweat
46:05 Monolith
51:15 Erupt
1:00:22 Voodoo Hairdoo
1:09:17 Rock Out

TD Sunfest 2015
Victoria Park London Ontario Canada
Produced by volunteers from Fanshawe College Television and Sunfest
In this Video Artist(s) Five Alarm Funk
Posted: Mar. 26, 2022

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