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Calvin Hunt: Calvin Hunt

Sat. August 25th 2018 - Sat. September 29th 2018 Mark Loria Gallery Free

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Calvin Hunt: Calvin Hunt

Calvin Hunt’s solo exhibition exemplifies his cultural knowledge and 45 years ...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. August 25th 2018 - Sat. September 29th 2018 + Add to Calendar Mark Loria Gallery (All Ages)
Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 12 - 5pm


Calvin Hunt

Event Description

Calvin Hunt’s solo exhibition exemplifies his cultural knowledge and 45 years of carving experience. From Masks to Totem Poles, to Power Boards, this exhibition truly captures an evolution in fine art along with the diversity, spirituality and transformation of Kwakwaka’wakw culture.

As Calvin says: ”Fine art constantly evolves; it allows a lens through which the fluidity and creativity of the art of the Northwest Coast is expressed. Working within the elements of traditional Southern Kwakiutl art, my art work crosses the continuum of history and the present.”


Mark Loria Gallery
Mark Loria Gallery is one of the leading indigenous art gall...
621 Fort Street Victoria BC
Open / Operational

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Calvin Hunt: Calvin Hunt @ Mark Loria Gallery Aug 25 2018 - Feb 16th @ Mark Loria Gallery

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