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Mares of Thrace, Anion, Weirding, Wtchdr

Fri. April 27th 2012 Funky Winker Beans Vancouver BC $10

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Mares of Thrace, Anion, Weirding, Wtchdr

Apocalypse Sunrise Productions (apocalypsesunrise.bandcamp.com) and The Invisibl...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. April 27th 2012 + Add to Calendar Funky Winker Beans (No Minors)
8:00pm $10


Mares of Thrace
Noiserock from Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs

Presented by:

apocalypse sunrise
Open / Operational
The Invisible Orange
The Invisible Orange is a Vancouver BC concert promotion and...
Vancouver BC
Open / Operational

Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: Scrape Records, Red Cat Records, Zulu Records, Ticketweb

Event Description

Apocalypse Sunrise Productions (apocalypsesunrise.bandcamp.com) and The Invisible Orange (www.theinvisibleorange.com) present Sonic Unyon recording artists MARES OF THRACE in their full 2012 North American tour. With support from Anion, Weirding and WTCHDR.

General tickets on sale Friday February 24 at Scrape Records, Zulu Records, Red Cat Records and online at TicketWeb.ca.

Buy online now: http://www.ticketweb.ca/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=4349245&pl=invisibleorange

Date: Friday April 27, 2012
Doors: 8 pm
Venue: Funky Winkerbeans a.k.a. Thrashers
Address: 37 West Hastings
Venue phone number: (604) 764-PUNK
Price: $10

Sponsored by Abort Magazine (www.abortmag.com), LiveVan (www.livevan.com) and Absolute Underground (www.absoluteunderground.ca ).

It's Johnny Matter's birthday so put your party hat on!


MARES OF THRACE of Calgary, Alberta, produce a full, complex, and original sound with just two broads and two instruments. Clearly seen in their style are influences of sludge metal Isis, and 90’s alternative hardcore Jesus Lizard. With their low-toned guitar and permeating fills, paired with a fusion of soft and growling vocals, Mares of Thrace exude layers of experimental thought. Having just toured North America, the girls bring it back to Van to throw us a brutal show that’s also easy on the eyes.

ANION mix up tempos and genres to produce a heavy hardcore mash-up made for crushing brains. They are signed to Vancouver’s Apocalypse Sunrise Records, and have played with notable hardcore Van bands like IOP and Golers. Having just rocked a Canadian tour in the fall, Anion return home to revive us with their pulsating riffs reminiscent of the 90’s hardcore sound. Describing themselves as a “negatively charged band”, they pull together an intense act with waves of noise coming from all directions.

WEIRDING is a dark-roast blend of groovy down-tempo hardcore with psychedelic tendencies. They present the most tasteful (and tasty) sludge anyone has seen in a while. With progressions that actually go somewhere, creative beats, and a balance between heaviness and ambience of the guitar lines, Weirding is not a band to miss!

WITCHDR has spawned very recently out of Vancouver, featuring members of Burning Ghats and Spirals. This newborn presents an imaginative new scramble of hardcore, thrash and grind, guaranteed to melt faces. Come check out their very first show!


Funky Winker Beans
37 West Hastings Vancouver BC
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Mares of Thrace, Anion, Weirding, Wtchdr @ Funky Winker Beans Apr 27 2012 - Feb 6th @ Funky Winker Beans

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