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Sonic Unyon recording artsts: the Ghost is Dancing, the Coast, The Arbitrarys, W...

Mon. July 16th 2007 The Lamplighter Vancouver BC $8

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Sonic Unyon recording artsts: the Ghost is Dancing, the Coast, The Arbitrarys, White Lung

Sonic Unyon recording artists from Toronto the Ghost is Dancing seem to draw rel...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Mon. July 16th 2007 + Add to Calendar The Lamplighter (No Minors)
10:00am  Doors at: 9:00pm $8


the Ghost is Dancing
Indie Orchestral pop/rock from Toronto Ontario
since circa 2003
the Coast
pop from Toronto Ontario
The Arbitrarys
Melodramatic/Alternative/Indie from Prince George BC
White Lung
New Wave Punk from Vancouver BC

Event Description

Sonic Unyon recording artists from Toronto the Ghost is Dancing seem to draw relentless comparassion to orchestral pop contemporaries the Arcade Fire, in both style & effectiveness, though only in the best of faith.

Recorded on the shores of Lake Ontario on Toronto Island, The Darkest Spark is the first full-length by the indie-rock collective known as The Ghost is Dancing. 2006 saw the release of TGID's joyful and energetic debut EP, exploding with a barely contained pop feel the new band mates had channeled in the basement practice space of their Toronto group house. Now (mostly) out of school, the indie-rock collective have swapped roommates and also added the expert skills of Alt Altman on horn and guitar, Lesley Davies on backing vocals and Ben "Mountain Man" Deschamps on strings. Along with these transformations, they signed with Sonic Unyon Records and set about recording their first full-length album.

Toronto's the Coast, locals White Lung & Prince George's the Arbitrarys opening.



The Lamplighter
92 Water St
Restaurant / Cafe / Pub
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Sonic Unyon recording artsts: the Ghost is Dancing, the Coast, The Arbitrarys, White Lung @ The Lamplighter Jul 16 2007 - Feb 7th @ The Lamplighter

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