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that thread calling neo nazis out
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > that thread calling neo nazis out
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and listing their contact information... not cool. no matter how lame they are, that's just not how you approach the situation. don't post on livevictoria to incite personal attacks. sorry conrad, I like you a lot and I know you had good intentions, but you have to see from another perspective how posting that wasn't a good idea, right?

(thread deleted) - Thu, 30 Sep 2010 7:19pm
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Typical Antifa behavior, they are just as bad as the KKK with their lynch mob mentality. Glad the thread was deleted. People should be very wary of scum like Noise Not Bombs. - Thu, 30 Sep 2010 9:20pm
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Evange.. who are you?.. or better yet .. who do you think you are?

"people should be wary of scum like...."

you're playing the same fucking game that you're chastising. - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 4:17pm
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this steve fellow is pretty confrontational... - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 7:44pm
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Confrontational? Really? I admit I do enjoy a good argument now and again but hardly confrontational. In this instance I was trying to point out the irony in Evangeliums post. I am sorry that this was lost on you and I apologies to you and anyone else I may have offended with my choice of words and demeanour.

I try to keep my more colourful posts to the C&Q section and to be quite honest c&q posts tend to be the ones that warrant some over emphasis.

I assume you are partly basing your opinion on my position and perspective in the whole LTR/LOGANS debacle. Again I would argue that I was anything but confrontational. If you read the thread and my posts I think you'll find I am offering my ideas on potential solutions. Unfortunately I do believe this may be a situation where the truth hurts and for that I can't apologies.

. . .

Its okay if the police do it. - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 8:34pm Edited: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 8:36pm
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I am a person who hates political grandstanding in all it's forms. I hate the extreme left much more than the right. I hate groups who single out and target people for their beliefs. I hate groups that masquerade at crusaders when they are no better than that which they oppose; inciting and promoting violence against people who have broken no laws and have done nothing wrong.

I live in Canada, where I am free to hate these types of people without fear of slander or violent actions taken against myself, or others who may not see eye to eye with people such as noise not bombs. - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 11:26pm
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Evange.. more power to you.. dont you think its a little backwards that in your post above you single out the antifa and compare them to the KKK and the like?

pot calling the kettle black.

Freedom rocks - Sat, 2 Oct 2010 1:34pm
Mr. Hell
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At least we know that the extreme right are strong believers in Christianity and that is plainly a made up story, so it's easy to discount all their quacky opinions and theories.

The problem with extreme leftists is that they have a belief system that is based in reality, therefore most of their causes make a lot of sense. However, they way they go about forwarding the movements is counter-productive with all the same kinds of over-the-top intolerance and fear mongering that the right uses.

A good way to live is if it doesn't affect you directly, donate some time or money toward helping the problem, then after that's done go home and work on making your own life and community better. Oh, and maybe have a shower too...with soap this time. - Sat, 2 Oct 2010 3:35pm
MC -K.N.Z.
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I say ....cancel a perish show here in Vic ..and the people will freak....
All your views go out the window when you are fighting for your life.

Mr.Hell is quite pun intended.

I feel what does not kill you, makes you stronger.And there should be no reason to kill unless threatened with yours or someone elses life .

If they are not fucken with you,then don't fuck with then.......stick your face where it don't gets kicked..... - Sat, 2 Oct 2010 6:34pm
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I represent no pot, nor did I ever call a kettle black.
Explain how I am backwards by comparing one group of extremist to another?

KKK= a group of individuals who judge people by their appearance/beliefs/lifestyles and collectively promote violent action against innocent people.

ANTIFA= a group of individuals who judge people by their appearance/beliefs/lifestyles and collectively promote violent action against innocent people. - Sun, 3 Oct 2010 12:03am
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Noise not bombs jumped on here and called out some Neo_Nazis. He got his wrist slapped for that.

Then you jump on here and call out Noise not bombs, referring to him as Antifa and comparing him to the KKK and calling him scum.

You're not backwards, you're ironic. What gives you omnipotent position to be able to judge one group of 'extremists' as better than the other. Noise not bombs basically came on and said.. "be wary of scum like this"... then you come on all holier than thou and say "be wary of scum like noise not bombs"....

thats how I see it at least. I should probably ease up a bit though.. I dont want to come across as being confrontational. - Sun, 3 Oct 2010 10:39am
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I compared Antifa to the KKK. It's generally acknowledged in this day and age that groups such as the KKK are "bad". That's not yet the case with Antifa. The idea behind Antifa (Anti-fascism) is fine, but it's members take their stance too far by using violence, smear campaigns and the like, simply because they determine a person, group, band or artist (with little or no proof) is promoting fascism. That's why I said people should be wary of someone like NNB, because they preach what seems to be a noble cause, the ending of fascism.

The same goes for E.L.F. (Earth Liberation Front), militant animal rights activists, Islamic Extremism, etc. They are no better than that which they oppose.

There's your irony. - Sun, 3 Oct 2010 3:16pm
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I really could not care less about all those fools.
I took a double dose of fun pills just to try to forget what the surgeon said he wanted to do to my body today.
I seriously wish I could drink

They are fools. You see them on the news, and it is impossible to have any respect for them. They cause way more harm than good. - Mon, 4 Oct 2010 10:38pm
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Nazis/neoNazis... who fucking cares how they feel? They're scumbags, period. I thought this site was about music, no? Fuck the "whites are right" idiots. A bunch of over-bearind self-agrandizing losers who worship a homo-jew, and insist hes the best solution they can idolize. - Fri, 8 Oct 2010 1:47pm
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So evangel what is meant by your "Intolerance is the new law" profile pic? At first it looks like whiny lefty, I guess it could be taken as radical right seriousness......but this noise not bombs idiot does seem to be very sided. I think if I approached him and preached some brown power arab superiority bull shit he'd wanna be friends. - Wed, 13 Oct 2010 10:41pm
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"brown power"
lol - Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:08pm
Noise Not Bombs
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the thing about people like you is that when it is on some web forum where you can be all anonamous, you are all preachy and touch and calling others down, but I bet you wouldn't have the guts to say shit like that to my face or the face of any antifa folk.
call antifa down on the interweb all ya want while you sit on your high horse doing fuck all. in the end if your doing nothing about a problem in front of you you are allowing it to happen.
to say antifa is "a group of individuals who judge people by their appearance/beliefs/lifestyles and collectively promote violent action against innocent people" is moronic at best. People that tattoo symbols oh hatred like swastikas and ss and aryan cross logos on their bodies are not just holding individual beliefs or putting on a style, they are actively enguaging in promotion of violence towards others who they target.
you ever had your ass kicked by skinheads? by queer bashers? or so on? probably not, probably why you tollerate neo-nazis in your community.

and Mr. Hell

so how do you donate money towards a problem when the problem is neo-nazis in your town? just currious...

Tyler, my name is not Conrad. please get it right, you have known me enough years to know better.
and no I don't think it should have been deleteds. people have a right to know when known members of groups like White European Brotherhood (WEB, Aryan Guard, and Blood and Honor are in their towns. Everyone claims to be against this kind of shit, but then does fuck all about it cause it is easier to just go on with life as usual when you are not these peoples targets.

"fuck nazi sympathy, fuck nazi sympathy fuck nazi sympathy, don't give them their freedome, the won't give you yours" - Mon, 15 Nov 2010 1:06am
MC -K.N.Z.
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I'm not a raises, I hate everyone equally.Until you prove me wrong.
I bet when Evangel calls a cab, he asks for an all white interior.I kind of know what he means....sometimes the smell is so bad you have to open the window to breathe .
But that's how it goes, we should not discriminate against people's right to religious beliefs.So what if they worship the cow and rub it's excrement all over their body's for prefabrication( used for everything from soap to hair growth), that's their right. - Mon, 15 Nov 2010 1:08pm Edited: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 1:09pm
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Ok. So now that you've cried wolf, and raised our attention that there are neo-nazis in town.
What would you have us do about it?

Noise Not Bums just comes across as very hypocritical to me.
Violence breeds violence, brother. - Mon, 15 Nov 2010 3:30pm
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.. If I remember correctly.. Noise never called for violence. Simply brought it to our attention.. much like the police do when there is a pedophile moving into your neighbourhood...(Didnt you get the news release about Grim?)

The whole 'hypocrite' things is sorta what I was going for in regards to Evange... Noise not Bombs apparently cant hate on and call out Neo Naziis but Evange feels like she can call out the Antifa?..

MCKNZ, very little of your above post makes any sense to me. - Mon, 15 Nov 2010 3:54pm
Mr. Hell
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I suppose in this case instead of donating time and money toward fighting that which you disagree with, you could find out where they live and vandalize their car and property and make their children, who have nothing to do with the cause you are battling live in fear of their safety...but you and your friends would never do something like that, would you?

I am also curious how you plan on having a war with these Neo-Nazis you claim have a stranglehold on Victoria. - Mon, 15 Nov 2010 6:44pm
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Thank you for proving my point, NNB.

The trouble with people like you is you see yourselves as modern day Robin Hoods, minus the cool green tights or acceptable level of hygiene.

In fact you amount to little more than a slight pain in the ass to decent, hard working, law abiding

Are you planning any more covert decoration parties at the mayor's house, NNB? - Mon, 15 Nov 2010 8:18pm
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. - Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:49pm
Noise Not Bombs
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as before I doubt you would ever say any of that to my face, if I am wrong prove it. it is easy to hide behind a website and make stupid claims about people you don't know while you do fuck all else to help anyone. - Tue, 16 Nov 2010 4:09am
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Oh I'm helping. I'm showing people how silly your fear/smear campaigns are. - Tue, 16 Nov 2010 6:44am
Im an ass, yer an ass, were all asses.
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Slightly off topic and Ive no idea (nor do I care) who vandalized the mayors car and property but Im sure these Victoria newby anarcho street kids have no idea that this guy they call mayor used to spend many hours on the street taking care of street kids, volunteering for various programs, helping to feed, educate, house and shelling out his own personal money for the cause. Because of course back then most of these meth addled beggars were just children living in group homes and communes. Yep, back in the day when the townie kids didnt beg and actualy bathed. Hard to believe that such a time once existed in this city. - Tue, 16 Nov 2010 2:29pm
Albert Schuffe
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These anarchists are all a bunch of misandrist, heterophobic anti-Christian bigots who are altogether just as hateful and violent as the fascists they claim to oppose.
We're talking about people who think it's OK to maim and kill those who hold opposing political/social/spiritual views.

The fact that NNB would actually post people's personal information on the Internet in an effort to subject them to harassment and violence because he disagrees with their political views shows that he is just as terroristic, lawless and violent as the neo-nazis themselves. Racist hate crimes are POLICE business.

Involving this site in potential libel suits or worse is totally irresponsible. Your IP should be banned. - Tue, 16 Nov 2010 6:51pm
Messages Posted:

I love it when a plan comes together....

Give me music or give me death.

WE are all human...And as humans, we suck. That's it .Everyone on this planet created all the love and hate in this world,Gods and religions.All in the attempts at understanding "WHY" . We know nothing....and feel alone and scared in the universe.No wonder we all fight and hate each other.Until the world is threatened by something catastrophic ,we will never know what it's like to be together, brothers and sisters. Sad really. - Tue, 16 Nov 2010 7:47pm
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" Say it to my face"

Then what are you going to do. Because that sounds like a school yard calling out for a physical confrontation.

The above poster is correct in saying this is a police matter. - Tue, 16 Nov 2010 8:28pm
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"The fact that NNB would actually post people's personal information on the Internet in an effort to subject them to harassment and violence because he disagrees with their political views"

We are talking about Nazi's here. These idiots attack minorities, spread hate litterature, and glorify the killing of 6 million jews, as well as others.

funny how the thread calling out the nazis gets taken down, but the racist anti-immigrant one stays up - Wed, 17 Nov 2010 2:19am
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The system is already set up to deal with their ilk, violence begets violence. Use the system, otherwise you're just part of the problem. Tony McClure and Ernst Zundel are 2 prime examples of how the system works and doesn't need violence to achieve the same ends. Only a simple mind would think otherwise. - Wed, 17 Nov 2010 8:02am
MC -K.N.Z.
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Come on NNB, I have had many a post deleted and I don't cry about it.It's true are proliferating the problem .
I want to start a band called Kill Whitie. - Wed, 17 Nov 2010 1:27pm Edited: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 1:29pm
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When and if these Nazi's do anything illegal, call the cops.
I would not advise picking a fight with a group of "skinheads" , people could get seriously hurt, or worse.

I worked with a young (18) year old kid from Toronto, years ago with Bram at a gas station.
We made it quite clear that he was totally unacceptable with all his skinhead tattoos worshiping the SS. By the end of the summer he really started thinking about it all, and realized he was wrong.

If we had of harassed and or assaulted him for his beliefs, it would only re-enforce his inner anger. Instead we just showed him another way.

NNB, please don't spread violence. It only makes things worse. - Wed, 17 Nov 2010 11:33pm
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Noise not Bombs is just like a little kid trying to get attention by doing all this. How is calling these low-lives out for a fight gunna change anything? Are you that stupid and ignorant? Then you deserve no less treatment than that of a skinhead; you hate them, they hate you... but just like Trev said above; make them see a different light outside of perpetuating a cycle of hate. Grow up and take a dive into the real world there Noise... not everyone/thing revolves around starting a revolution. If you dont like it here; then leave, cuz we all love it here. - Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:23am
MC -K.N.Z.
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I may seem racist,but that's only because I say really stupid things.But NNB is one too....he spreads the same hate as the skinheads do,just in a different form. - Thu, 18 Nov 2010 12:54pm
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The problem here is that nnb is looking for something to bitch about. Look hard enough for something and you will find it. If every white hetero-sexual was annihilated from the planet he would move on to the next target to point the finger at in a vain attempt to feel important. Slit your jugular and die already you communist bitch. - Thu, 18 Nov 2010 3:31pm Edited: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 3:31pm
MC -K.N.Z.
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Woh woh woh ,ottaman.......I think saying that to noise not bombs is really judgmental and cruel....

calling him a bitch like that. - Thu, 18 Nov 2010 5:15pm Edited: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 5:17pm
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Wow, noi snot bombs is calling himself antifa, meaning anti-fascism........that makes zero sense. Fascism can not be taken out of extremism and comrade you are an extremist. What about all those flyers you posted around town with the picture of the guy with a white pride hat? Every single day that I walk in public I see hats and shirts brandishing native pride. They're everywhere. So which one does nnb pick on? The one white guy. I don't really think there's something wrong with pride if it's not confused with a sense of superiority. I do think that it is impossible for a person to condemn pride for one race, and advocate pride for another race without outing themselves as a racist. Comrade is just a prime example of a bum with too much time on his hands and no brains in his head. - Thu, 18 Nov 2010 7:43pm
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music says it better than words - Thu, 18 Nov 2010 8:07pm
Colin P
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... - Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:43am Edited: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:45am
MC -K.N.Z.
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Sure Colin...,you post here but not were it counts ...why not respond to the other thread? You could still save LTR's rep.
Just be a stand up guy and bite the bullet ,swallow some pride and get er done. Easy as that. I know a lot of people in the music biss ,and most are really decent,respectable people.Don't put it past someone to let this all be resolved and then forgotten. - Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:59am
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I think the Grimlord has a man crush - Tue, 23 Nov 2010 9:18pm
Noise Not Bombs
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first off, the posters of Erick with the white pride hat were put up by VARN, Victoria Anti-Racist Network, not by me. I did not make those posters or put them up, and I am not part of VARN.

Secondly, Native is a culture, or more accurately a group of cultures, not a race, for a bunch of reasons. Mohawk is a race, or Lekwungen, or Cree, not native.
There is a huge difference between having pride in your culture, especilly after 500 years of genocide and colonization against your people, and having pride in your race. But even more if you look at the litterature of neo-nazi groups like stormfront or the aryan guard, the term 'white pride' is commonly used to mask blatantly racist ideas.

Third off, I never called myself antifa, someone else called me that. get your facts straight.
and fascism is the marriage of corporate and state powers, as defined by Musolini.

Now to the lame claim that the systems already exist to deal with these idiots and we should use the system, there are many examples where it hasn't worked...
As far as those fakes claiming that violence is wrong, doesn't solve whatever and I shouldn't use or promote violence (although I never did actually call for violence) let me ask you this... Do you support the police? they use violence every day as their job, do you support keeping people in prisons? prisons use violence every day. do you support the military? or do you just condemn violence when it is useful to attack people you don't like?

again, all I see is a bunch of interweb cowards who feel they can throw threats arround and say stupid shit they would never say in person cause they are hiding behind a computer screen. if you are anything but a coward, come say it to me in person, I will buy you a coffee and we can talk about it. But I bet not one person here has the guts to have this conversation without the computer as a barrier so they can feel tough - Thu, 25 Nov 2010 2:37am
MC -K.N.Z.
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Translation: " you think you're tough ,yeah ,yeah,.you don't look so tough....Why don't you come say that to my face.....All right,meat me behind the gym after school,if you think you're tough."...fight ,fight ,fight,.......
Hey did you hear....there's going to be a fight after school behind the gym.

Seems to me you are doing the same thing you blame the rest of use doing.... - Thu, 25 Nov 2010 2:57am
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NNB- Why not extend your coffee invitation to the innocent individual you attempted to expose to a public smear campaign?

How is what you did any less cowardly than any of us questioning you on your tactics in dealing with this "Nazi"?

"again, all I see is a bunch of interweb cowards who feel they can throw threats arround and say stupid shit they would never say in person cause they are hiding behind a computer screen."

^ Exactly what YOU did in a failed attempt to deal with an individual whose beliefs differ from your own.

POT KETTLE BLACK. - Thu, 25 Nov 2010 6:42am
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'Now to the lame claim that the systems already exist to deal with these idiots and we should use the system, there are many examples where it hasn't worked...'

Examples, or they never happened.

As for the rest of your useless diatribe. The police, prisons and military don't post addresses of the people they want to 'deal' with. They deal with them legally. Not with vigilante bullshit. Do arrests sometimes turn violent? Yepp. Are the majority of arrests non-issue? Yepp. Prison and military violence are a given considering the environment of violence that both have to work in.

And just so you know, I've already had this discussion with you. You used to live with a friend of mine in Fernwood/hillside area. - Thu, 25 Nov 2010 9:35am
Mr. Hell
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May as well post that address too. - Thu, 25 Nov 2010 11:40am
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So, nnb, what you're saying is that you can use history to rationalize pride for one..........let's just call it a group. You then want to take it upon yourself to use your own personal prejudice to oblige shame upon another group. One man flaunts pride and you shed a tear over the experiences of his ancestors. Another does the exact same and you point the finger and hit the panic button. You've proven that you adjust your favor for people depending on how they were born. If it was left at that I'd say go right ahead and be a racist idiot. But when you're so arrogant as to believe it's your place to drag everyone else down into your stupidity, that's when you're going to get a reaction from people that you obviously don't care for. You're accusing us all of being hidden cowards for communicating the exact same way you are. Trust me, no one is hiding from you. You are nothing to be afraid of. - Thu, 25 Nov 2010 11:16pm
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NNB- Do you support the Canadian military mission in Afghanistan or
would you rather see an organization such as the Taliban running things? - Sun, 28 Nov 2010 12:04am
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Canada has no reason to be over there, other than to clean up the US' mess they left. That was the only reason we were even brought in. So they could free up their own troops to move on Sadam. We do little to nothing to keep the Taliban in check.

I'll always support the troops, the government is another story. - Sun, 28 Nov 2010 2:31pm Edited: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 2:32pm
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Woman's rights have improved, gay rights also probably.
Human rights in general. Overall living conditions have vastly improved.
I'm proud of what our troops are doing. - Tue, 30 Nov 2010 10:38pm
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Great, I'm sure that's exactly what those poor people need, soldiers gaying up the place at gun point. - Thu, 9 Dec 2010 8:43pm
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o - Fri, 10 Dec 2010 12:00am
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You're all so fucking stupid. It's painful to hear people arguing about shit that doesn't matter. It's shape shifting reptiles that we have to worry about. Not Nazis, and women. - Thu, 23 Dec 2010 11:56am
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Thumbs up for the puppies though - Thu, 23 Dec 2010 2:02pm
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Fuck the troops, protect Canadian soil. 911 was clearly a trick to get us involved, to help secure oil. all the civilian deaths are a result of our AGGRESSION. We are AGGRESSORS, don't be fooled. "oh no the terrorists are going to get us", we are the terrorists. - Sat, 8 Jan 2011 2:24pm
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"we are the terrorists."

Then Jihad yourself, pig. - Sat, 8 Jan 2011 9:01pm
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"we are the terrorists" Typical PC stupidity.

The terrorists are the government, United Nations, Bush, Obama. Wake the fuck up retard. - Mon, 10 Jan 2011 1:31am
MC -K.N.Z.
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Now you sound like a terrorist......cuz we all know you are,..Yesser .But I do think Bush had a lot to do with 911, all to change foreign policy,and to take more rights away from the north American people.And to take oil away from the middle east.Oil is running out,and it will take a huge tragedy to bring the people together on a common theme.

Yesser - Mon, 10 Jan 2011 10:50am
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