Brown Bear Sound

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Brown Bear Sound

Life Events - Live Events - Corporate Events. Audio Production & Rentals including delivery, set-up and operation by highly trained technicians. Based in Victoria and serving all of Vancouver Island. Live Sound is equal parts Science, Art, and Planning. Designing, Deploying and Operating a sound system takes an understanding of the artist or presenter’s intended goal, what it’s like to be in their shows, electrical codes and safe power distribution, acoustical physics and electro-mechanical physics. Don’t let your performance suffer because of poorly selected equipment, poorly executed sound system designs, or inattentive engineers. Hire Brown Bear Sound and rest knowing your art will be presented to your audience with dynamics, authority and fidelity. Using only the finest tools of the trade, with built-in redundancy, several layers of protection, safety, and most importantly: a small footprint, Brown Bear Sound guarantees your successful event.
Open / Operational
Live Sound & Lights (Rentals or Full Service)

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